
影像作品曾於香港、台北、首爾、上海等地公開放映。近期正製作《Hold That Pose For Me》入選Giloo Fest 2023創投計劃紀錄片組十強,於東京製作的同志短片《Aoki and Mori》(2023)曾於歐洲進行放映。首部劇情短片《1995》(2018)榮獲台灣金甘蔗影展首獎及最佳導演獎(2018)、創意媒體學院年度展最佳作品獎(2018)、上海驕傲電影節特別關注單元(2019)、韓國同志影展官方入選(2019)。劇情短片《直到香港滅亡》(2019)曾於獨立串流影片平台上映。畢業作品實驗短片《游泳,在維多利亞的海洋》(2019)入選由黎肖嫻博士開展的「錄像宣言」計劃,其後獲香港藝術組織Videotage收藏。在學期間獲香港政府才藝發展獎學金(2018)及李志超宏亞攝影獎(2019)。


WU Man Chiu, Joris, is an artist and an editor for the Hong Kong cultural media SAMPLE. He occasionally works as a program coordinator for art festivals and film production teams. He completed his bachelor's degree in Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong in 2019. He has also had exchange experiences at various art and film institutions around the world, including Goldsmiths, University of London, Napier University in Edinburgh, and Shih Hsin University in Taipei.

His works have been publicly screened in Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, Shanghai, and other places. Recently, he has been in the process of producing the documentary film "Hold That Pose For Me," which has been selected as one of the top ten projects in the documentary category for the Giloo Fest 2023. His first narrative short film, "1995" (2018), won the Grand Prize and Best Director at the Taiwan Golden Sugarcane Film Festival (2018), Best of the Show at the Annual Show of the School of Creative Media (2018), Special Focus unit at the ShanghaiPRIDE (2019), and official selection at the Korean Queer Film Festival (2019). His narrative short film "Fallen City" (2019) was released on an independent streaming platform. His work for his graduation thesis, "Swim, in the Sea of Victoria" (2019), was selected for the "Our Manifestos II: Videography, Documentary Impulses" initiated by Dr. Linda Lai and later collected by the Hong Kong art organization Videotage. During his studies, he received the Hong Kong Government Talent Development Scholarship (2018) and the Asia One Julian Lee Photography Award (2019).